Mysterious African 'Fairy Circles' Stump Scientists

Mysterious African 'Fairy Circles' Stump Scientists

Mysterious African 'Fairy Circles' Stump ScientistsIn the sandy desert grasslands of Namibia in southern Africa, mysterious bare spots known as "fairy circles" will form and then disappear years later for no reason anyone can determine. A new look at these strange patterns doesn't solve the wistful mystery but at least reveals that the largest of the circles can linger for a lifetime.

Pessimism clouds start to Syria talks

U.S. Secretary of State Clinton arrives for the meeting of the Action Group on Syria at the United Nations European headquarters in GenevaGENEVA (Reuters) - International talks on a way to resolve the increasingly bloody conflict in Syria opened in Geneva on Saturday with foreign powers in dispute over the fate of President Bashar al-Assad. Kofi Annan, the former U.N. chief who is special international envoy on Syria, has been hoping for consensus on a plan for a unity government that, by excluding from the leadership figures deemed too divisive, would effectively mean Assad stepping down. ...

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