Obama pledges federal aid on Colorado wildfire visit

Obama pledges federal aid on Colorado wildfire visit

U.S. President Barack Obama speaks to the media during his visit to fire damaged homes in the Mountain Shadow neighborhood in ColoradoCOLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Friday promised federal assistance for Colorado's worst-ever wildfire as he toured damage caused by the blaze, which has killed at least two people, destroyed hundreds of homes and forced the evacuation of 35,000 residents in and around the state's second-largest city. Obama began his three-hour visit to the area devastated by a still largely uncontrolled fire with a fly-over in Air Force One, surveying part of the Rocky Mountains where smoke could be seen rising from what officials say is the most destructive blaze in state ...

NY club heads toward reopening after celeb melee

A New York City nightclub shut down after a celebrity-studded, bottle-tossing brawl is on track toward reopening next month.

Dora the Explorer Isn't Playing Around Anymore [VIDEO]

We all know that a young Dora the Explorer from the popular Nickelodeon show is a crime-fighting machine especially when Swiper the Fox's sticky fingers are at work. (What criminal wouldn't fear those haunting, taunting words, "Swiper, no swiping!"?)

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