Tent-poles and tadpoles mark Hollywood's summer
Tent-poles and tadpoles mark Hollywood's summer
The audiences are proving far more unpredictable than the movies Hollywood has created to pack them into theaters this summer.
Flesh-eating bacteria patient to leave Georgia hospital
ATLANTA (Reuters) - The Georgia graduate student who just weeks ago was fighting for her life after contracting a rare flesh-eating bacterial infection will be released from the hospital on Monday to continue her recovery at a rehabilitation center, her father said on Friday. Aimee Copeland, 24, has undergone amputations of her left leg at the hip, both hands and her remaining foot after being diagnosed with necrotizing fasciitis, a bacterial infection that can destroy muscles, skin and tissue. ...
WikiLeaks: Julian Assange not leaving embassy
WikiLeaks chief Julian Assange has defied a British police summons and won't be leaving the Ecuadorean Embassy in London until he hears about his asylum bid, a member of his defense fund said Friday.