Analysis: Clock ticking on French fracking veto

Analysis: Clock ticking on French fracking veto

France's President Francois Hollande delivers a speech during the inauguration of the new Shoah memorial in Drancy, a Paris suburbPARIS (Reuters) - President Francois Hollande's move to leave French shale gas untapped to protect a frayed alliance with the Greens may come back to haunt him as the economy grinds to a halt and job cuts pile in. Possibly the biggest shale gas reserves in Western Europe, cooling ardor for nuclear, rumblings of dissent from his industry minister and pro-shale pleas from bosses and unions alike, keen for more jobs, will combine to erode his resolve. ...

Man's Failing Heart Heals Before Transplant

A miraculous thing happened the day Michael Crowe was set to receive a potentially life-saving heart transplant. Doctors had determined the surgery would be ineffective — but his heart suddenly started beating again. Crowe, a 23-year-old pharmacy student from Omaha, had been diagnosed with acute...

Eric Schmidt: Apple Should've Kept Our Google Maps App

Apple must decide for itself if it wants to approve Google's Maps app for iOS, Google Chairman Eric Schmidt said to reporters in Tokyo.

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