Nadine the Zombie: This Tropical Storm Just Won't Die

Nadine the Zombie: This Tropical Storm Just Won't Die

Nadine the Zombie: This Tropical Storm Just Won't DieNadine has risen from the dead like some kind of meteorological zombie. 

U.S. bans beef from Canada's XL Foods plant

(Reuters) - The United States has halted imports of beef products from one of Canada's largest beef-processing plants, owned by privately held XL Foods at Brooks, Alberta, due to findings of E. coli bacteria. A spokesman for the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) said on Tuesday that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration officials had "de-listed" the plant on September 13, meaning that it cannot export any of its products to the United States until corrections are made. "Which is normal, when there are positive findings from a facility," said CFIA spokesman Tim O'Connor. ...

Obama: Disputed game means NFL needs regular refs

The White House says President Barack Obama believes that a disputed end to the Green Bay Packers-Seattle Seahawks football game means it is time to resolve a labor dispute and get regular referees back to officiating NFL games.

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