Supreme Court upholds West Virginia redistricting

Supreme Court upholds West Virginia redistricting

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Supreme Court upheld West Virginia's congressional restricting map as constitutional on Tuesday, overturning a lower court order that found the plan violated the principle of "one person, one vote." In an unsigned opinion, the court said that a federal district court panel had erred in voiding the map in January and had failed to give appropriate deference to the Democratic-controlled legislature that had crafted it. ...

Obama: U.S. will "do what we must" to curb Iran nuclear bid

U.S. President Obama addresses the 67th United Nations General Assembly at the U.N. headquarters in New YorkUNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - President Barack Obama warned Iran on Tuesday the United States will "do what we must" to prevent it from acquiring a nuclear weapon and said time was running short for diplomacy but ignored the Israeli prime minister's demand to set a "red line" for Tehran. Taking the podium at the United Nations six weeks before the U.S. presidential election, Obama sought to counter criticism of his foreign record by Republican rival Mitt Romney, who has accused him of mishandling the Arab Spring uprisings, damaging ties with Israel and not being tough enough on Iran. ...

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