Drug LSD may be behind Miami face-eating attack, police say

Drug LSD may be behind Miami face-eating attack, police say

MIAMI (Reuters) - A Miami man fatally shot by police after he refused to stop gnawing on another man's face may have been under the influence of a new form of the 1960s hallucinatory drug LSD, a top police officer said on Wednesday. Police are investigating the ghoulish weekend incident involving 31-year-old Rudy Eugene, who was found naked and chewing on the face and neck of his victim on the off-ramp of a bridge in downtown Miami. Police shot and killed Eugene when he failed to respond to orders to stop and back away. ...

Why Veterans Are Having Trouble Finding Jobs

Why Veterans Are Having Trouble Finding JobsFinding a job is a challenge for lots of people these days, but it's even harder  for military veterans.  In fact, in a recent poll of veterans and companies that have hired vets in the past, just 54 percent of the former military members expressed confidence in their ability to find a job and even fewer, 29 percent, felt confident in their ability to find work that suits them. 

Image shows clean-up work undertaken at Iran military site: diplomats

VIENNA (Reuters) - U.N. nuclear inspectors showed new satellite imagery on Wednesday indicating that two side buildings had been dismantled and other possible clean-up work undertaken at an Iranian military site they want to visit, Western diplomats said. One image from May 25 showed signs that "ground-scraping activities" had taken place at the Parchin facility as well as the presence of bulldozers, according to diplomats who attended a closed-door briefing by U.N. nuclear agency officials. ...

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