HP taps software exec as chief operating officer

HP taps software exec as chief operating officer

Hewlett-Packard Co. has promoted Bill Veghte to chief operating officer, the latest expansion of his responsibilities since the slumping technology company hired Meg Whitman as its CEO eight months ago.

Split-finger or HGH? Trial debates Clemens career

Former Major League baseball pitcher Roger Clemens, center, and his legal team, arrive at federal court in Washington, Wednesday, May 30, 2012. Attorney Rusty Hardin is at right. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)Knowledgeable baseball fans can argue all day whether it was the split-finger fastball — and not performance-enhancing drugs — that kept Roger Clemens on top of his game well into his 30s and beyond. His lawyers are trying to make that point at a trial where basic terms such as "Fenway Park" and "foul pole" require an explanation for a jury of nonfans.

Sister of Etan Patz' accused killer says reported confession

CAMDEN, New Jersey (Reuters) - The sister of a man accused of strangling a New York City boy who has been missing for 33 years said on Wednesday she "did the right thing" by reporting his confession to Camden, New Jersey police who she says never followed up on her tip. Norma Hernandez, the sister of Pedro Hernandez, said she gave information connecting her brother to the disappearance of 6-year-old Etan Patz to a police officer who wrote it down in a little notebook but that was the last she heard of it. Pedro Hernandez, 51, was charged with second-degree murder on Friday. ...

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