Admirers mark 15 years since Princess Diana died
Admirers mark 15 years since Princess Diana died
Admirers from around the world are paying tribute to Princess Diana at the Paris tunnel where she was killed in a car crash 15 years ago.
In the digital age, whither the campaign button?
Eugene Ola was on a street corner hawking some political buttons with phrases like "Believe in America" and featuring photos of a smiling GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney and his running mate, Paul Ryan. But most passersby simply smiled and kept on walking, barely looking at the piece of cardboard he carted around with 50 buttons fastened to it.
FDA questions Novartis cystic fibrosis drug
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. drug reviewers questioned whether Novartis AG's inhaled antibiotic treatment truly helped cystic fibrosis patients breathe better, according to documents posted online by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Friday. Staff from the FDA released their review of Novartis's tobramycin inhaled powder ahead of a vote next Wednesday by an advisory committee of outside experts on whether to recommend the drug. ...