The Keys To A Company’s Success

 by Terry Mansfield

There is only one boss. The customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down simply by spending his money somewhere else.

A company that focuses on the fundamentals of reporting, deliverable management, and quality control positions itself for success.

When a company consistently and correctly gathers, assesses, and uses customer feedback, the result is a performance that improves continuously, thus greatly benefitting your customers.

You must take into account and apply all lessons learned from feedback provided by your customers and continually seek out and incorporate Industry and Government best practices, as applicable.

Thus, your company ensures that all work done is repeatable in a manner that allows operational efficiencies and achieves desired performance results. This also creates cost savings or cost avoidance that you can then pass on to your customers.

Customer feedback should be received and acted upon, as necessary, as part of a corrective action process that involves the timely investigation of customer complaints and correction of non-compliance issues, to include identification of a viable solution on how to deal with a quality problem.

When a quality-related question arises while meeting urgent support requirements, then that particular matter should be elevated above all others to be addressed and rectified successfully as soon as possible to avoid any severe disruption in meeting the urgent requirements.

From a company’s senior leadership on down to its program/project managers and technical/functional team leaders, everyone should be well-grounded in all fundamental quality control, reporting, and deliverable management procedures, processes, and methodologies. Company personnel should receive training as needed, including instructions on their particular assignments and responsibilities.

Photo by Adam Jang on Unsplash

The kind of robust implementation described above ensures that there are more than enough qualified people available throughout your company’s ranks whenever needed.


Thanks for reading. (Copyright Terry Mansfield. All rights reserved.)

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